
4 Elements: Earth- Water- Fire- Wind, December 2009

Exhibition Dates: 23 – 30 December 2009 Venue: Sculpture Square, Chapel Gallery 155 Middle Road, Singapore 188977. A group exhibition by four ceramic artists; Deryk Stronach, Ibsen Lim, Lee Cai Jun and Randi Tan. Earth, Water, Fire and Wind are the important elements in Ceramic creation. After working with clay for a number of years, each individual artist developed their own individual style and technique when approaching the clay thus the experience through the contact with the elements involved in the process of clay making varies. Each artist will be working on one element using their own experiences in relation to the element. All four artists come together in this show, “4 Elements”.
4 Elements Poster Design
4 Elements Poster Design
Earth Element- Lee Cai Jun White Forest Medium: White stoneware and Porcelain Dimension: Variable sizes Year: December 2009 A magical white forest that reflects the pure and untainted dimension hidden among the real physical world. IMG_1185 copyIMG_1214 copyIMG_1219 copyIMG_7042 copy Water Element- Deryk Stronach Flood Series Water is normally thought of as the life-giver, but these works capture the recent devastating effects of water in the Philippines. “水能载舟,亦能覆舟”, “The water that bears the boat is the same that swallows it”. Fire Element– Randi Tan Vertical Ascension Fire in scientific terms is nothing more than the release of energy from burning materials in the form of heat and light. The series is an interpretation of joy and transformation during a time of death and grief. Everything in the world is connected from the smallest worm to the mightiest leader. The loss of one will always enrich another. And the cycle goes on. Wind Element- Ibsen Lim Wind Series Wind is fluid. It has no form of its own until you go down to the molecular levelThe configuration of my work is fluid, flexible as wind. This duality of wind is what I want to put forth in this installation.  Photographed by Lee Cai Jun Copyright © 2009 Lee Cai Jun. All rights reserved Website: https://leecaijun.wixsite.com/yuystudio Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leecaijun Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/artistleecaijun YouTube: https://youtube.com/user/yuystudio Shop: Society6: https://society6.com/yuystudio?curator=yuystudio Redbubble: http://yuystudio.redbubble.com

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